The Vestry

The secular business of the parish is handled by the Vestry, whose members are elected by confirmed adult communicants in good standing at the annual parish meeting in December. They serve staggered, three-year terms.

The Vestry meets in general once a month in the evening of the third Tuesday.

The Rector presides over the meeting.

The members of the 2024 Vestry are:

  • George Douglas (Senior Warden) – Email Senior Warden
  • Dave McKinnon (Junior Warden) – Email Junior Warden
  • David Dykes
  • Hannah Harris
  • Roy Immelman
  • Charles Malone
  • Allison Martin
  • Sarah O’Connor
  • Yvette Smith
  • Perry Suk
  • Sam Wesonga
Officers Elected By The Vestry
  • Gail Christensen – Clerk
  • Matt Dutton – Treasurer

For essential information about the relative roles and responsibilities of clergy and lay persons in the governance of our parish, as well as the diocese and the national church, consult the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina.

Vestry Meeting Minutes

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