
Week of Giving 2023: A Huge Success

Thanks to you, members of Nativity, our annual Week of Giving and Day of Giving was — once again — a wonderful success. Because of your generous hearts, the 15 nonprofit ministries that participated received a grand total of over $22,900. That is simply outstanding. Your money supports local ministries such as Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, the Episcopal Campus Ministry, the Farm Workers Ministry, Habitat for Humanity of Wake County, Interfaith Power and Light, Peggy Wade’s Angel Tree, RAFI-CSA, Warmth for Wake, and Leesville Pride Packs. It also supports worldwide efforts such as Haiti Reforestation Partnership , Abukloi, Uganda Orphans Education Fund, Rise Against Hunger, and Episcopal Relief and Development. You also supported Nativity’s NAACP Scholarship Fund. Because of you, many people will have food to eat, adequate housing, job opportunities, and educational opportunities. 

We would like to offer a special thank you to our dedicated Outreach Team, all those who helped set up and clean up for the Day of Giving, and all who contributed treats for our refreshment table. Thank you to so many of our church members who represented these ministries during the Day of Giving and for their help in providing the video and write ups needed for the online portion. Lillis and Beth would also like to give a huge shout out to Alfred Christensen who compiled the materials on the 15 ministries and created a beautiful website for the Week of Giving.

Thank you all so much for helping make this world a brighter place.

— Lillis Ward

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