Caring for Creation

Nativity is Carbon Offsetting Its 2021 Energy Usage!

Becky Showalter

Thanks to much work and gnashing of teeth by Nancy Reed and Rene Garces, Nativity has calculated its energy usage for 2021 and thereby our own carbon footprint!  Even with our solar panels, we used half again more electricity than we produced – over 13,000 kWh.  Based on that value, our carbon footprint is approximately 100,000 lbs of CO2 per year. 

We are happy to announce that, with the help of the diocese, we will fully offset Nativity’s carbon footprint through a donation ($3500) to Haiti Reforestation Partnership to plant 3500 trees!  Those trees will pull carbon out of the atmosphere AND will increase the quality of life for vulnerable mountain communities in Haiti for years to come.  It is a win for us all!

If you are able, we welcome you to join the church and offset part or all of your footprint as well!  Haiti Reforestation Partnership plants over half a million trees per year and is only limited by funding – offset your 2021 usage or make a monthly donation to offset your current carbon footprint!  Visit to learn more or to calculate the carbon footprint for your family.

We all have our part to play in making this world a better place, and in protecting creation for current and future generations. We hope you will find where you fit in this effort.  Together, we can make a difference.  <3

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