Adult Formation

Claiming Our Christianity: Articulating the Loving, Inclusive God We Know

by Jeremy Clos

Our next adult formation series, Claiming Our Christianity: Articulating the Loving, Inclusive God We Know, begins on October 1 at 9:30 am in Curry Hall Room 202. If you would like to request a booklet of your own, please register in advance by September 24.  You are always welcome to drop in at any time. 

Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
I will with God’s help.

We make this promise every time we renew the vows of our Baptismal Covenant. But like much in life that is good and worth doing, this promise is easier said than done. How often do we actually talk about Christ to someone outside of the comfort of our worship community? 

There are a lot of loud voices out there in our society saying things about Jesus that contradict his teachings. Being a Christian is being used as an excuse for hurtful or harmful laws and actions that do not respect the dignity of every human being (something we also promise to do in our Baptismal Covenant). Sadly, “Jesus” has become a triggering word for many. If we don’t act to claim the God we know, the polarizing message from those powerful voices will continue to drown out the Good News of God in Christ. 

In this class, with God’s help, we will explore relevant Scripture, develop language and prayers to use, and discuss strategies for proclaiming the Good News with and without words. There will be opportunities in each session to practice what we’ve learned.

For more information: Email Jeremy Clos

One reply on “Claiming Our Christianity: Articulating the Loving, Inclusive God We Know”

Hello, Jeremy. Thank you for this post. I have clicked on the link to register for the class, and the resulting page said that the form was no longer taking responses. Please put me on the list for the class. Thanks.

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