Children and Youth

Celebrating the Class of 2023

On June 4, the Church of the Nativity will honor its graduating seniors during the 10:30 am Holy Eucharist. The service will acknowledge and bless the hard work and dedication of these students as they embark on a new journey. Following the service, the seniors and their parents will have lunch in the parish hall. If your family has a graduating senior, RSVP to Jeremy Clos by May 12 to confirm your family’s participation. Email Jeremy Clos

Graduation from high school is a significant achievement, marking the transition from adolescence to adulthood. It is a time when seniors are on the cusp of new beginnings and possibilities, and it’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate their accomplishments. Celebrating a high school graduation is a way to acknowledge the blessings and gifts that God has bestowed upon these young adults. It’s also an opportunity to recognize how God has worked through them, shaping them into the individuals they are today.

Once we’ve firmed up the number attending, we will be reaching out for help with the food, and everyone is encouraged to lend a hand. It is a chance to offer a tangible expression of love and support from the church community, showing the seniors that they are valued and cherished and that they have a place within the church even as they move on to new phases in their lives.

Congratulations to all the graduating seniors, and may God bless them in their future endeavors.

— Jeremy Clos

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