Peace Library Reviews Social Justice

A Day for Rememberin’ (Peace Library Review)

A Day for Rememberin’
by Leah Henderson
review by Lillis Ward

A Day for Rememberin’ tells the story of the first Memorial Day celebration from the perspective of a young African American boy whose family has recently been freed following the Civil War. In this picture book written for grades 2-5, Henderson describes the little known events of the 1st Decoration Day which was specifically to honor those who died fighting in the Civil War. The African Americans who led the effort wanted to show their gratitude to the fallen Union soldiers who fought to bring freedom to their families and to end slavery once and for all. The beautifully illustrated pages of the book will capture the reader’s interest and help explain the sequence of events. Even though this is a children’s book, there is plenty to be learned for all ages about the origin of Memorial Day and how it came to be as we know it today. At the end of the book, Henderson includes actual photos from 1865 when 28 newly freed men volunteered to make a final resting place for the fallen Union soldiers. She also includes background information and a timeline of this historical era.

For Parents:
The following link gives guidance to parents about discussing the somber topic of Memorial Day with children so that they understand more about this special holiday: How to Explain Memorial Day to Kids, Plus 5 Traditions to Start

Read more:
Memorial Day Uncovered: Charleston’s ‘Martyrs of the Race Course’

Questions to discuss with your child:

  • Before reading the book, ask your child, “What do you know about the holiday called Memorial Day?”
  • After reading the book, brainstorm with your child some ways your family can start a tradition for Memorial Day such as flying the flag, visiting a memorial, saying a prayer of thanks, planting flowers, or attending a parade.
  • Talk with your child about family members who served in the military. Look at their photos if you have them and talk about what parts of the world they served. Look at a world map to find that region of the world.

Create your own Memorial Day Prayer with your child.
God of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who gave their lives for the protection of our freedoms. We especially remember __________________. In Christ’s love, Amen

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