Glad Tidings

Announcement posts

Caring for our Couple Relationship: Balancing Feeling and Thinking

When we come together in our couple relationship, we bring our own unique personalities. Carl Jung and others, like Myers and Briggs, have helped us develop a better understanding of ourselves and those with whom we interact most closely – our partner, our spouse. Typically, we do not marry someone with a personality just like

Caring for our Couple Relationship: Balancing Feeling and Thinking Read More »

Glad Tidings


By Phillip Bass “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”  Normally, I get excited about the start of Holy Week. Each Palm Sunday we get to hear the familiar stories of Jesus’ final days leading to

Hosanna! Read More »

Glad Tidings

Caring for our Couple Relationship: A Year Later! Where do we Go from Here?

We have just passed the one-year anniversary of the recognition that we are in a pandemic with COVID-19. There is no question but that our lives have changed, and these changes have impacted our relationship. It is a good time for reflection. Let us look at how it has affected our couple relationship for the

Caring for our Couple Relationship: A Year Later! Where do we Go from Here? Read More »

Glad Tidings
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