Supporting Ukraine

Dave McKinnon

A couple of years ago, Nativity’s Outreach team started  allocating a part of its annual budget to support disasters such as hurricanes, floods and wildfires.  We made donations to the Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) organization to ensure our donations were directed properly.  We now have a non-climate related disaster occurring in Ukraine, caused by Vladmir Putin.  This is a humanitarian disaster on a massive scale. The Outreach team has made a donation to ERD to be directed to support the displaced Ukrainian people.

ERD provides updates and here is an excerpt from an email received this week:

“We are supporting Action by Churches Together (ACT Alliance) as it works through ACT member Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) and other local organizations to provide emergency assistance such as food, shelter, water and basic supplies to refugees and people displaced within Ukraine.

ACT Alliance is setting up similar support points at other border towns to assist people as they leave Ukraine. It is working through local partners to provide aid for refugees in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Poland.”

The number of displaced people is increasing rapidly with no end in sight.  Peoples’ homes have been totally destroyed so they will have nothing to come back to. If you are able, please help them out by donating through Episcopal Relief and Development.  Copy the link below and help make a difference

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