Pilgrimage 2025: The ABCs of Celtic Christianity

You are invited to embark on a unique pilgrimage through Scotland and England in 2025 as we explore early Celtic Christianity and the lives of three major saints Aidan, Bede, and Cuthbert, along with other influential saints and figures who shaped the early church in England. Organized in collaboration with EF Go Ahead Tours, this journey combines spiritual exploration, historical insights, and the stunning beauty of the British Isles.

Our pilgrimage will begin in Edinburgh, a city renowned for its majestic castle and rich history. From there, we travel to Heavenfield, the site of St. Oswald’s significant battle for the Christian faith, and Hexham, home to the ancient Hexham Abbey with its Saxon crypt and beautiful stained glass.

Next, we journey to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, an early center of Christian learning and evangelism, founded by St. Aidan and later home to St. Bede. Here, the ancient ruins and serene landscapes offer a glimpse into the spiritual heritage of the British Isles. Then, we’ll explore the historic Bamburgh Castle, a fortress with deep connections to the region’s Christian heritage. It was here that St. Oswald’s relics were once kept, and the castle’s storied past offers a fascinating backdrop for reflection and discovery.

The journey continues to Durham, home to the magnificent Durham Cathedral. This World Heritage Site houses the relics of St. Cuthbert and St. Bede the Venerable, two pivotal figures in the history of Christianity. As we walk through the cathedral’s hallowed halls, we’ll be transported back to the early days of the Christian church in England.

Journeying on, we’ll explore Whitby and visit the ruins of Whitby Abbey, an important center of Christianity in the 7th century and the site of the famous Synod of Whitby. Finally, end your pilgrimage in York, where you will explore York Minster, one of the largest and most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in Northern Europe, and delve into the city’s rich Christian history.

This pilgrimage is not just about visiting historical sites; it is about connecting with the rich tapestry of faith that has shaped these places. We’ll have opportunities for prayer and reflection at each site. Our visit to Durham Cathedral will include a special focus on the life and works of the Venerable Bede, whose dedication to scripture and learning remains an inspiration.

In addition to the spiritual aspects, you’ll experience the cultural and natural beauty of these regions. Enjoy guided tours, local cuisine, and the chance to forge bonds with fellow pilgrims. Each day is designed to offer a balance of structured activities and free time, allowing you to explore at your own pace.

Whether you’re seeking a deeper connection to your faith, an appreciation for historical Christianity, or simply the joy of travel, this journey offers something for everyone. Together, we will walk in the footsteps of saints, explore ancient holy sites, and find inspiration in the enduring legacy of the faith. For questions or more information, email Jeremy Clos. For details and to register, please visit our pilgrimage group page.

You can also find additional information by viewing the slides from the presentation that was given about the pilgrimage:

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