ONE Wake Update: Priorities and an Invitation

by Becky Showalter

After spending much of 2023 hosting listening sessions throughout their 40+ member organizations (thanks for those who came to ours!), One Wake has ratified three new priorities for the organization: housing, mental health, and public transportation! These priorities were chosen not just because they are important but also because they are areas where we can make a difference. Right now, Research Action Teams are working diligently to identify the key players (non-profits, municipalities, companies, etc.) that we might work with to effectreal change. Although One Wake does want to push for change, we want to work with those already in the trenches; learn from them, support them in finding more funding, come up with new solutions, etc. 

If any of this sounds interesting to you, all members of Nativity (whether you volunteer with One Wake or not!) are more than welcome to join Nativity’s core team for One Wake’s next Internal Assembly, on Thursday, August 31 at 7 pm at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church. There, the teams will present what they have learned and present proposals from these Research Action Teams on how ONE Wake can leverage the municipal elections to win commitments of support for these issues that affect so many. They really are great meetings with faith leaders and those directly affected by these issues adding their voices. Hope that you can make it! If anyone would like to carpool or needs more information, please contact Becky Showalter. Email Becky Showalter

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