New Vestry Members

Viola Baldwin:
Viola has been an Episcopalian since the 1970s; before that she was raised Southern Baptist in a small country church. She is a native North Carolinian from the Sandhills area just south of Raleigh. She joined Nativity in 2016 after attending other churches in Raleigh, wondering why it had taken her so long to find Nativity. She graduated from NC State and then received an MA from Appalachian State.  She taught school (shop class it was called at the time), and with her love of picture framing, she opened a shop, worked as a framing sales rep, and as Director of Picture Framing at Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh. She  retired from Jerry’s and is now a real estate agent. She has one daughter, Jessica, who lives in New York City,  I enjoy the outreach activities and the attention and care that the congregation of Nativity gives to them.  It is inspiring to be a part of a loving and caring family.

Beth Crow:
Born and raised in Virginia, Beth Crow is married to Peter Crow; they have two adult children, Amy and Rob, and one grandchild.  Beth taught elementary school for 12 years prior to becoming the Youth Coordinator in the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia.  In 2008, Beth began serving as the Youth Missioner for the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, where she worked until retiring in 2019. Beth and Pete became members of Nativity soon after moving to Raleigh in 2008. Beth enjoys photography and art, and of course time with her granddaughter in Oregon. As a youth missioner she helped develop learning opportunities for young people to the injustices within our society, coordinating a three-year grant, Lift Every Voice, involving young people from across the United States, South African and Botswana.  Since leaving the diocese, Beth has helped lead “Sacred Ground” at Nativity and is currently coordinating Higher Ground with Mike Wiley, acclaimed actor and playwright in North Carolina. Higher Ground hosts monthly webinars focused on racial justice.

Anne Krouse: 
Anne and her husband Geoff are proud parents of three daughters: Grace (16), Caroline (16) and Kate (12). Prior to having children, Anne worked as an Estate & Tax attorney in New York City for several years. After “retiring” from law and moving to Raleigh in 2005, Anne shifted her focus to raising her daughters and volunteering her time to various causes.  In 2015, she co-founded the non-profit In-Kind Friends, LLC, an organization that provides in-kind services to local Triangle non-profits.  In her free time, Anne enjoys reading, running and spending time with family and good friends. Anne is honored to join and serve on the Vestry. 

Bill Sena: 
Bill, a native of Florida, spent his middle and high school years in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Bill returned to North Carolina in 2009 when he and his wife Anne moved to Raleigh from Silicon Valley and began attending Nativity. Their oldest son Jack is an acolyte and Anne serves on the Altar Guild. Their second son Nick (an aspiring post-Covid acolyte) was baptized here, and the church community at Nativity is a primary reason that they love living in Raleigh. Bill works at a global technology firm in RTP and retired from the Navy Reserve in 2016. In addition to serving with the Vestry, he is the Committee Chair for Cub Scout Pack 321. 


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