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Glad Tidings Submission Guidelines
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Glad Tidings Submission Guidelines

Last updated February 6, 2024

In an effort to make the Glad Tidings more consistent and uniform — and therefore easier to read — and also fit more articles in, please note the following guidelines regarding submissions for Glad Tidings. These guidelines are meant to encourage conciseness, consistency, and legibility, not to limit you. We are having the very good problem of Glad Tidings emails being too long; we have a lot going on at Nativity and a lot to celebrate, and that is a wonderful thing.

For clarity "Glad Tidings article" refers to the actual text that goes in the Glad Tidings email, not including the heading.



Please send submissions in one of the following formats:

I don’t have a Mac, so I cannot read Apple Pages (.pages) files. Please avoid sending PDFs, especially if they have images that you want me to use; images and text should be sent as separate attachments.


