Prayer Requests

Contact the church office (919-846-8338) or Email Church Coordinator to have names added to the Prayers of the People list for Sunday services.
If you leave a phone message, please include the nature of your request.
Pastoral Care

Some events where pastoral care is offered:
- The birth of a child
- A hospitalization or illness
- A death in the family
- Other emergency
If you have such an event or emergency, please call the church office at 919-846-8338 or Email Church Coordinator.
The church office will inform the priest or deacon of the situation. One or both of them will follow up with you to determine your needs and how we as a community can best help. We are here to help you; please contact us to talk.
There are many ways we can help each other; please let us know the type of help you may need. We can provide meals for you and your family for up to six weeks. Do you need some encouragement? Let us know and we’ll visit you and send you cards and letters of encouragement. We can also send a Lay Eucharistic Minister to you to administer the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist so that you continue to participate in our church life. Please contact the church office at 919-846-8338 or Email Church Coordinator.
Are you interested in helping other parishioners in this way? Please Email George Douglas.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one form of pastoral care for anyone who is going through a difficult time in life. The ministry began some 20 years ago at Nativity and is guided by the Pastoral Care team to provide greater long-term assistance to members of our congregation.
Stephen Ministers provide confidential, Christian care to people facing a range of difficulties including loss of a loved one, hospitalization, divorce or separation, unemployment, spiritual crisis, recovery from an accident or illness and many other challenging and traumatic circumstances. Stephen Ministry is a nationwide program created almost 40 years ago and offers specialized training for members of our congregation who are called to become a Stephen Minister.
George Douglas is currently an active Stephen Minister at Nativity. Others are in training now. Nativity participates in a consortium with two other churches in North Raleigh: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and North Raleigh United Methodist Church. Some 35 Stephen Ministers work together to provide ministry to those in need from all three churches.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the confidential, one-to-one care of a Stephen Minister, or if you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister yourself, please Email George Douglas.
Caring Through Prayer
Nativity offers several communal ways to pray for others:
- You may join Daughters of the King (DoK), a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service and evangelism. All DoK members pray daily for our members, friends, and family and for the world at large. Email Carolyn Kerr to add a name to the Daughters prayer list.
- Prayers of the People are offered during Sunday services as requested by parishioners for those inside and outside Nativity. Contact the church office (919-846-8338) or Email Church Coordinator to have names added to the Prayers of the People list.
- A prayer chain of parishioners offers up prayers daily. Email Anita Kerr to request prayers for the special needs of parishioners, family, and friends.
In the Event of Death
When a loved one dies, contact the the office as soon as possible to make arrangements for a funeral or memorial service and possible burial of ashes on the church grounds. You can call the office at (919) 846-8338 or you can Email Church Coordinator.
Church of the Nativity has set aside a Memorial Garden as a final resting place for the ashes of parishioners and others with ties to Nativity. Located behind Estill House, it is also meant to be used as a place of meditation and rest for visitors. Ashes are interred in a biodegradable container, no container at all, or scattered. Markers, which list only the name and dates of birth and death of the deceased, are small and of natural stone in keeping with the simplicity of the Garden.
Interment or scattering of ashes in the Memorial Garden requires that you complete the registration form below. Print and complete the form and send it to the church office. Consult the Memorial Garden Policy for further details.