Rev. Grey Maggiano Called as Rector

by Beth Crow, Chair of the Search Committee

George Douglas, Senior Warden, and Beth Crow, Chair of the Search Committee, announced that the Rev. Grey Maggiano has been called as Rector of the Church of the Nativity. Grey sends his greetings to Church of the Nativity, and excited about joining us in a few weeks. In addition to this video, you can also watch a past sermon that he preached at Memorial Church, Baltimore — the church from which he is coming.

The Search Committee would like to share some of the reasoning behind their unanimous decision to recommend Grey’s name to the Vestry for approval. 

Over the past several months, our congregation has prayed for guidance and wisdom in our rector search, entrusting the Search Committee to craft Nativity’s narrative through our Parish Portfolio, conduct interviews of multiple candidates, and prayerfully discern its recommendation to the Vestry. The committee’s selection was based on priorities expressed during our February Congregational Meeting, which included Worship, Children and Youth, Outreach, Social Justice (including LGBTQIA+), Pastoral Care, and Environmental Stewardship.

From the start, Grey impressed the committee with his warmth and friendliness. One member noted that Grey is “the kind of person you meet and feel that you’ve known for years, and you feel a sense of trust almost immediately.” His excellent listening skills, significant leadership experience, and thorough research of Nativity, far beyond the provided materials, were highly valued by the committee.

Grey’s sermons, delivered extemporaneously, are both scholarly and contemporary, challenging listeners to address injustice through scripture and the teachings of Jesus. A reference described him as a visionary who will infuse our parish with new energy. The committee was impressed by his passion for revitalizing existing ministries and initiating new ones within our congregation, with one member particularly appreciating his vision to unite his church family with surrounding communities.

Reflecting Nativity’s mission of being a diverse and welcoming church, Grey’s compassion and thoughtfulness stand out. He has shown a strong commitment to inclusivity and social justice, including through his work with the LGBTQ+ community.

Grey is passionate about youth ministry, an area he has focused on throughout his career. He views youth as a vital part of the church community and is approachable. At his current parish, youth are comfortable coming to him with issues they face and, according to a reference, his ability to speak Spanish and connect with Hispanic youth has significantly enhanced his ministry.

In conversations with Grey, he clearly expressed his wish to walk alongside us on our spiritual journey and seek truth and love in scripture. Capturing the sentiment of the entire committee, a member shared that “there is an exuberance to Grey’s message that will echo in the halls of our church for many years to come.” 

Please join us in welcoming the Rev. Grey Maggiano on his first day at Nativity, Sunday, September 8.

We appreciate your prayers and support throughout this process and ask for your continued support as we embark on Nativity’s exciting new chapter.

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