Last month Geoff Krouse spoke to the congregation, as well as wrote Give, Get, Go! Upgrading the Nave Sound System for Glad Tidings, announcing the formation of a team to organize fundraisers for a new sound system in our Nave. This month, we will share some personal stories of why this initiative is so important to many in our congregation. Below is Viola Baldwin’s testimony.

“I have joined a group that is planning to raise enough money so that the people of the Church of Nativity can enjoy the services and events in the Nave whether they are sitting in a pew or at home. This is personal for me. I am hearing impaired. I wear hearing aids. They certainly help but the ear is very complicated and hearing aids are not ears.
“The best sermons are the children’s sermons. But I can’t hear 95% of it even when I am sitting three rows away. I don’t hear high-pitched or soft voices. Please don’t whisper something to me. I don’t hear voices that go up and down. Unfortunately, speakers tend to start out the beginning of sentences with clear, distinct voices and then drop at the end. I almost always miss the punch line!
“If I happen to be late one Sunday and sit at the back, I should have stayed home!
“So having a sound system that allows me to be a full-fledged member of the Nativity service is important to me.”
The team is very thankful for those who have already contributed to this fund; you can do so online at the the Donations to Church of the Nativity page on our website.
We are also seeking donations for our October 14 Not So Silent Auction and wine and cheese gathering. If you :would like to contribute to the auction, please complete this form: COTN “Not So Silent Auction!”: Donation Form 2023. Keep in mind that donations can be gift cards, gift baskets, tickets to various performances, or perhaps something unique from the donor — like art work, baked goods, or services like yard work or hep with technology. Feel free to be creative!