Help Build the Beloved Community by Participating in the Farm to Church CSA Program

Carl Sigel

Since Nativity’s earliest days, one of the cornerstones of our mission has been to explore how we grow, eat, and share food.

In 2021, Nativity partnered with nine other Raleigh congregations in a program to support our local Black farmers. The program, called Farm to Church Community Supported Agriculture or CSA, was launched by the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA).  CSAs have become a popular way for consumers (CSA members) to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer and to build a caring relationship with that farmer.  The members buy a share of a farmer’s production up-front which helps the farm’s cash flow and allows the farmer to plan their crop production in a way that limits food waste and farm expenses. The members benefit by receiving weekly fresh and nutritious farm products.    

Last year the CSA began with the participation of 4 Black farmers.  Produce was delivered by the farmers weekly for 8 week periods during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Members purchased either full-shares (about 6 servings of veggies for 4 people) or half-shares (about 6 servings of veggies for 2 people).

Following a very successful launch, in 2022 the Wake County CSA is adding more farmers and congregations. Nativity plans to participate in the program again in 2022. Our time to commit for the spring harvest will be from February 7 to March 7, 2022. Share prices will be the same as for last year.  Tentatively, the first produce delivery will be on Saturday, April 22. I might add that individuals or families do not need to be Nativity members to join – they just need to be willing to pick up their shares at Nativity.

If you would like more details or are ready to commit to the spring CSA , please let me know if you would like a half- or full-share by February 2, 2022 ( Thanks.

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