Encouraging Notes for Haiti Reforestation Partnership

Want to Make Someone Smile in 2022?  Drop a card of encouragement for those in Haiti!

Our sisters and brothers in Haiti are going through a really hard time right now.  Our friends at Haiti Reforestation Partnership have communicated with us that not only are things challenging on the ground, but many feel “forgotten” by the outside world, especially as travel has become essentially non-existent.

Michael Anello, the Executive Director of Haiti Reforestation Partnership, will be in the United States mid-January through mid-February.  Let’s flood Michael with as many encouraging cards as possible to take back with him to distribute.  (You can even include a family picture so they can see our faces, if you’d like.)  With the hard work of 750 Haitian women and men, Haiti Reforestation Partnership plants roughly 500,000 trees per year – no matter what. They are investing in their future (our future) and are holding on to hope.  Let’s let them know that they are not alone.  We are thinking of them.  We are praying for them.  We are thankful for them.

Please use Google Translate to translate your simple message from English to Haitian Creole and then bring your cards to the church by January 20.

If you are unable to drop the cards or letters off at the church, please Email Becky Showalterfor pickup.

If you’d like to know more about Haiti Reforestation Partnership, check out this video – 30 Years of Reforestation Success – YouTube – or visit www.haitireforest.org.

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