Children and Youth Education


Bishop Jennifer Brooke-Davidson tells the children of Nativity the story of St. Nicholas, 2022.

KIDS’ CLUB, our weekly formation program for preschool through fifth grade, meets during the Liturgy of the Word portion of our 10:30 celebration of Holy Eucharist. Children come to church with their grown-ups and are called forward after the opening prayers for some time with the Rector before processing out with their teachers for some time in Curry Hall. In Kids’ Club children are exposed to lectionary-based gospel lessons through stories, conversation, games, crafts, and other activities.  They rejoin the celebration of Holy Eucharist in time for communion.

Gospel lesson COLORING PAGES and crayons are available and can be found near the CREATE YOUR WORSHIP BAG STATION (see below).

The CREATE YOUR WORSHIP BAG STATION is located just outside the nursery at the back of the church. Here, children can select from different quiet, but engaging, activities to keep those little fingers and minds busy during the service. Activities include I Spy packs, Lego Building, and much, much more!

Our PEACE LIBRARY can be found in the back corner of the worship space. Here, children can find and read age-appropriate books about issues of faith and social justice. These books can also be checked out to take home.

For further information, please contact Jeremy Clos, Lay Associate for Christian Formation. Email Jeremy Clos


New Orleans Youth Pilgrimage, 2023

Youth are a vibrant part of our community at Church of the Nativity. Youth can engage in a range of activities from weekly Christian formation to outings and retreats. Our programs are created to make a space where youth can gather and explore their faith through conversation, community, and fun, as well as personal development. Nativity strives to provide a positive environment where everyone is accepted and loved. Friends are invited to join us as well!

All are welcome.

Youth Christian Formation

Youth meet on Sunday evenings in Curry Hall. Classes are divided by age group into Middle (6-8) and High School (9-12).  Middle School meets from 5 – 6 pm and High School from 7 – 8 pm. Our time together is spent building community through games and activities and engaging in the story of God’s people through Bible stories, lessons, and virtues. Youth formation is a wonderful opportunity for our youth and their friends to come together in fellowship and community. Monthly fun events or outings also form an important component of our youth formation.

Youth Pilgrimages

Our high school youth set out annually on a pilgrimage to learn, to serve, and to have fun. While away, youth encounter the stories of a place, people, and culture, often confronting hard truths. They turn to God in worship and prayer, visit holy sites, and roll up their sleeves to engage with the local community in acts of service. There’s always time for learning about local customs and having fun. Some of our past pilgrimages have taken our youth to Jamaica, the Pacific Northwest, and New Orleans.

Acolyte Program

Youth take on a variety of responsibilities as worship leaders in our parish. Typically, they first take on the role of torchbearer, carrying candles that light the processions of the service. They also bear the banner during the procession and carry the Gospel book for the Deacon during the Gospel procession.  Crucifers lead the procession and assist the Deacon in setting the table. At the age of 16, baptized and confirmed youth can be licensed as Lay Eucharistic Ministers and assist the clergy in the distribution of communion.

Rite of Passage

When youth turn 13, we mark the beginning of their passage from childhood to adulthood. This passage is celebrated in a special liturgy during a Celebration of Holy Eucharist twice a year. Youth take on adult roles in the service as lectors and acolytes. They, and their parents, take part in a liturgy that recognizes them as young adults, with the responsibilities that transition brings. The young adults are offered a special blessing.  Following the service, the youth and their families celebrate at a luncheon where parents can speak about the youth’s journey and the pride and love they hold for them.


The sacrament of Confirmation, in which the candidates express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 860), affirms the promises made on the youths’ behalf at their Baptism. Classes engage youth in discussion around the promises of the Baptismal Covenant.

Diocesan Events

The Diocese of North Carolina provides opportunities for young people (grades six to twelve) to come together in fellowship with other youth from across the Diocese. These events empower young people to develop their leadership skills and grow in their faith and relationship with God creating a community that provides opportunities for transformation not only within themselves but also in the environment around them. These events occur mainly in the first half of the year and include Bishop’s Ball (January), Happening (February) for High School youth, and Genesis (April) for Middle School youth.

For further information, please contact Jeremy Clos, Lay Associate for Christian Formation. Email Jeremy Clos